Flickr, the photosharing site, has teamed up with the Library of Congress, the keepers of thousands of historic photos, in order to put the power of Web 2.0 and user-generated content to good use. Flickr will host over three thousand of the Library's images (the program is still in the pilot stage) and invite Flickr members to tag or comment on photos such as the one above. In this way, the photos become more public for people like us, and the Library can harness the collective knowledge of the public to enhance their metadata for the images, improving the quality of the collection. It always interests me when I see things like this: new technologies enabling ordinary people to collectively have a greater impact than ever before.
Here are the Library's thoughts before and 24 hours after the pilot program started.
Here are Flickr's thoughts before and 24 hours after the program started.
Here's the Flickr site: The Commons.